Developers (Network, CLI): Start Here!

Hi - we’re glad you want to start using the Diode Network - you won’t be disappointed!

To start consuming content from the Diode Network, or to publish content via the Diode Network, see the sections below.

To read more about the Diode Network and related technologies, see the Useful Links and Articles.

Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for this content via Telegram!

#Consume Public Content via the Internet Gateway

Diode hosts an Internet gateway at Public content published via the Diode Network is accessible via this gateway at <client-address> For example, you can type in a web browser to view a decentralized media feed.

If you want to access Private or Protected content, or just want to access the Diode Network without using the public gateway, install the Diode Client and see the article about accessing Web 3.0 content.

#Publish Content or Consume Private/Protected Content

See CLI docs.

#Manage Your Identities

All addresses on the Diode Network are unique and are used as identities to interact with the network. They can be used to publish content, access private or protected content, manage Fleet Contracts, and reserve a BNS name (domain name).

Addresses (identities) on the Diode Network are Ethereum public addresses. In order to instantiate something persistent on the Diode Network, you must have an address, and you must have access to the addresses’ private key - typically stored in a wallet somewhere.

Each Diode Client has its own wallet that it manages on the device the client is running on. However, there are many use cases in which it is valuable to manage aspects of the Diode Network without relying on a specific instance of the Diode Client - for these use cases, we recommend using a browser with a MetaMask plugin and the Diode Network Explorer (docs).

See the article “Configure MetaMask” to get MetaMask setup.