BNS stands for Blockchain Name System - the Diode Network implements a fully decentralized BNS using smart contracts to bind “friendly names” (BNS names) to network addresses (like Ethereum addresses). You can think of a BNS name the same way you think of a root Domain Name for web2.0.

Addresses on the Diode Network use the same format as Ethereum public addresses - while excellent for unique identification, they are not particularly memorable to humans. The Diode Network has a Blockchain Name System (BNS) - a decentralized smart-contract based Domain Name System - that allows the association of a human recognizable name with a Diode Network address. If a BNS name is configured for an address, it can be used in place of the address.

For example, this can be used to shorten the address used to view a decentralized media feed. to

To create, search, and browse BNS names, check out the article or go straight to the Explorer BNS page.