What are the hardware requirements for running a Diode Client?

Diode uses the BlockQuick algorithm to uniquely enable communication with and via the Diode Network. BlockQuick has relatively small hardware resource requirements, allowing it to be ran on almost any communications processor:



Sync Bandwidth



20kb per sync


However, because a fundamental requirement is secure communications, systems running a Diode client must be able to support the minimum requirements for TLS secp256k1 security parameters (the elliptic curve used for Diode API communications).

The published Diode client application, which incorporates the Diode API, security, and multiple commands & services (including an HTTP web server!), is about 5MB in ROM size. In the case of using the Diode client app topublish a localhost website via the Diode Network (e.g. invoked by diode publish -public 2368:80), the process uses 21 MB of real memory (on MacOS).

As another data point, the Diode team uses the Raspberry Pi Zero for many blockchain communication use cases (e.g. real time video streaming). If using a Raspberry Pi to host a graphical website, however, due to the rendering requirements of the images and other content, a Raspberry Pi 4 with 8GB of RAM seems to be a good fit.

For additional information, see the blog post about hardware requirements for blockchain clients.