Can I publish a podcast with Diode?

Yes, you can certainly publish your podcast with Diode. A major difference between Spotify and Diode is that when uploading content to Spotify, the Spotify company owns your content; therefore, they can easily sell ads, and get profits out of your content. But if you do it with Diode, you still have the ownership of your content. Diode doesn’t own your content, hence can’t make money from your content. However, in order to publish your podcast with Diode, you have to first put the podcast on a Diode-enabled host (see our blog post on Ghost). In order to make that easier in the future, we would like to invite application developers to create applications like this that leverage Diode’s decentralized publisher-first network!

Also, what is more interesting is if you do a live program, for instance, a live broadcast episode with Diode, we would recommend: 1) Live broadcast your podcast via Diode; 2) After broadcast, upload it to Spotify / etc. for people to listen to it later.