Is Diode similar to IPFS?

IPFS is about static file storage - it does that really well. The Diode Network is more of a communications or streaming network - the Diode network doesn’t store information, it makes it available. One of the great things that Diode brings that we believe is unique is the ability for distributing dynamic content. One of our first proof of concepts was a Raspberry Pi streaming real-time video peer-to-peer over the Diode network with no centralized components. The Pi did the work to create the content and “source” the video, but the network handled the routing, permissions, and distribution.

IPFS and Diode are both needed for a decentralized web3. IPFS is a distributed file system that allows storing static content, while Diode network enables secure real-time end2end encrypted communication. What makes Diode unique is there are lots of interesting things you can do with Diode. In addition to files, Diode allows you to do live video streaming, chat applications, office applications where users get to modify their contents,… are some of the good examples illustrating real-time data streams possible applications.